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OmniContact: A Beacon of Hope for Zimbabwe’s Children

In the heart of Zimbabwe, a country of approximately 15,178,979 people according to the 2022 census stats. According to UNICEF, Nearly 48% are children. Most of them, about 72%, reside in rural areas. These areas, unfortunately, are often the worst off in terms of health, education, nutrition, water and sanitation, access to information, and other basic indicators of well-being and quality of life. Urban vulnerability is also on the rise, particularly in the impoverished neighborhoods of large cities.

According to UNICEF, an estimated 26.6% of children below the age of 18 are living as orphans. Traditionally, the extended family would step in to care for these children. However, due to economic hardships, this is becoming increasingly difficult. This leaves the 56 residential orphanages in the country with the enormous task of caring for these children.

Enter OmniContact, a company determined to make a difference through its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) efforts.

Once a quarter, OmniContact pays a visit to these institutions, extending a helping hand to those who need it most. Our contributions range from food, money, learning materials, sanitary products, and any other resources we can provide. These efforts are not just about giving; they’re about empowering these children and giving them a chance at a better future.

By doing so, we contribute to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically SDG 2 – Zero Hunger and SDG 4 – Quality Education.

Our contributions towards food ensure that these children have at least one less thing to worry about. We believe that no child should go to bed hungry, and we are committed to doing our part in achieving zero hunger.

Education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty. By providing learning materials, we are investing in the future of these children, giving them the tools they need to succeed and hopefully, one day, give back to their communities.

At OmniContact, we believe in the power of collective effort. We are just one organization, but together with others, we can make a significant impact. We invite other corporations, individuals, and the international community to join us in our efforts to improve the lives of Zimbabwe’s children.

Together, we can make a difference. Together, we can give these children the future they deserve.

